2024 Angela Dappert Memorial Award for Digital Preservation

We are delighted to be able to Angela Dappert Memorial Award for excellence in the theory and practice of digital preservation in 2024. The award is done in collaboration with the International Digital Preservation Conference, iPres. The 2024 iPres Conference will be held in Belgium on 16-20 September. I am looking forward to seeing the excellent papers short-listed by the iPres Programme Committee.

Angela Dappert

Digital Lifecycle Management Ltd to join eArchiving Initiative

We are looking towards joining the eArchiving initiative. It is taking the next step on a ten year journey to make it easier for organisations to preserve, migrate, reuse, and trust digital information over the long term. The team is developing software, tools, and standards that support interoperability across archiving systems. They are also providing a conformance specification and implementing tools to check system conformance. In addition to the web pages on the EC’s Digital Strategy site, there is additional information on the e-Ark Foundation site.

E-Ark logo

Digital Lifecycle Management Ltd to Join DLM Forum

DLM Forum logo

We are looking towards joining the DLM Forum. The Forum is a vibrant community of public archives and interested parties from across government, commercial, academic and voluntary sectors who are active in information governance, including archives, records, document and information lifecycle management. It was founded by the European Commission and first met in 1996. Today it is a not-for-profit foundation providing industry specifications, participating in activities and serving members from all over Europe and the rest of the world.